Lancaster University – Health Innovation Campus
The new Health Innovation Campus at Lancaster University is a physical hub which brings together industry, research partners, health and care providers, the voluntary sector and local authorities to create an innovation eco-system.
Built on the foundations of collaboration, co-design and co-production, the campus will develop sustainable solutions for some of the most important health and care challenges we face as a society.
Good mental and physical health is society’s collective responsibility and there has never been a more opportune moment to focus on health and wellbeing. By fostering cross-sector, multi-disciplinary and multi-agency collaboration, the HIC will take a lead in maximising impact at scale, regionally, nationally and internationally, leading to improved health outcomes and economic growth.
It will take a solution-led, place-based approach to projects which address the significant health and social inequalities which impact on wellness, with an emphasis on innovative thinking and disruption.